Reading Notes B: Ramayana by Sister Nivedita

For this reading note I wanted to focus on the chapter that described Rama and Ravana's battle, the slaying of Ravana, and how Mandodari mourned for him. I liked this version of the battle more as there was more detail that set the fight up better. Here Ravana was described like a hydra, this painted a gruesome picture in my mind of the fight. I also think this version portrayed how powerful Ravana was better. No matter what Rama did, no matter what weapons he used nothing could defeat Ravana until the Bhrama weapon which ultimately led to the defeat of Ravana. After the defeat of Ravana, his wife Mandodari laments over his actions and how this all could have been avoided if only Sita was given back. This scene is quite powerful as it becomes obvious that Ravana was actually loved by his kin.


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