Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales Part A
Twenty Jataka Tales by Noor Inayat (1930)
- The Monkey King rules over 80,000 monkeys high in the Himalayas and they have a fruit tree that produces the best mangoes. They cannot let the mangoes fall into the river or it will get to the humans and they will invade the home of the monkeys'.
- However, this happens one day and a human king finds the fruit and goes on an expedition to find the fruit and the monkeys' learn about this so the Monkey King makes a bridge with his body and a reed across the mountains so that his subjects can leave. While, walking across one monkey is to heavy and breaks the Monkey King's back and the human king finds him like that all alone and the Monkey King makes him promise to be a good leader which he becomes.
- A rich king left his prized chariot outside, and the palace dogs destroyed the leather on the chariot.
- The king decreed that all dogs outside of the palace should be killed to obtain justice for his ruined chariot. All the dogs went together to the chief of the dogs and told them of how they were being treated unfairly. The chief went to the king and shows him that it was actually the palace dogs who destroyed the chariot. The king praises the chief and applauds him for his efforts.
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