Microfiction Revision: Spontaneous Trips


 "Let's go, why not?" said Friend 1.

"Well, first of all it's Tuesday afternoon and it's a 3 hour drive" Friend 2 explained.

"But it would be so much fun. Think of the memories we can make" Friend 3 said in fervor.

All three looked at Friend 4 who still did not look entirely convinced. 

"I'll go if you go" was all that Friend 2 stated.

Still not saying anything, but with an apprehensive look on their face, Friend 4 just stared at their food. 

"We can be back by tonight it's only 3 PM" Friend 1 was trying their hardest to convince them.



 "Why shouldn't we go?" said Friend 1.

"Well, first of all it's Tuesday afternoon and it's a 3 hour drive" Friend 2 explained.

"But it would be so much fun. Think of the memories we can make" Friend 3 said in fervor.

All three looked at Friend 4 who still did not look convinced. 

"I'll go if you go" was all that Friend 2 stated looking at him.

Still not saying anything, but with an apprehensive look on their face, Friend 4 just stared at their food. 

"We can be back by tonight, plus it's only 3 PM" Friend 1 was trying their hardest to convince him.


Via Kenny Braun

Author's Note: In my revision I changed up some wording used because I felt that everything was too chunky and did not flow well enough. I really wanted to convey how spontaneous this idea was and make the reader think how they would feel in the same situation even though they do not know where the group of friends are going. 


  1. Hi Rohit,

    I gotta admit, I have not heard the word "YOLO" since I used to wear shirts with it written on it back in Junior High. I recently had a spontaneous road trip to California with a good friend and I highly recommend it! Total of 52 hours of driving and it could not have been more fun!


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